Let's Finish Strong!
December 9, 2020
Dear U of A community:
Hard to believe but finals are just a few days away. I want to congratulate everyone on reaching this point and encourage you to finish strong. You’re almost there. Needless to say, this has been a challenging semester, and I think everyone is looking forward to getting this one in the books. I’m sure we can all use a break right about now.
I do, though, want to thank everyone for your perseverance, flexibility and ability to make the most of this situation. In particular, I want to thank our faculty and staff for the extraordinary effort that went into making this semester a success – you’ve gone well above and beyond the call of duty. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
I also want to encourage our students to take the 2020-21 Student Poll to ensure your voice is heard regarding many important topics impacting our campus. The poll closes at noon on Monday, Dec. 14 and takes less than 10 minutes to complete. Please share your views. You’re represented by a great Associated Student Government and Graduate Professional Student Congress who want to hear from you!
Sandy and I hope you have a relaxing and restful winter break. If I don’t see you at commencement next week, see you next year!
Joe Steinmetz, Ph.D.