One University
The concept of One University emerged as a rallying call from Chancellor Robinson to reinforce that the University of Arkansas is a singular entity, comprising many parts, but always with a shared sense of purpose and priority.
“While considering our university’s future, I often come back to one of our country’s traditional mottos: e pluribus unum - Out of many, one. There are great things ahead for this university, but the future is even brighter if we adopt the mindset that we are one University of Arkansas,” Robinson said.
One University is a paradigm to guide the institution’s next 150 years, reminding the campus that we are one institution and should make decisions, policies, programs and priorities that keep top of mind the good of the whole.
“On such a large campus, it is natural to get siloed into our respective areas. However, we can realize so much more of our potential by collaborating with people and units across campus,” Robinson said. “It is important for us to remember that while the U of A consists of many colleges, schools, departments and units, we are One University with a shared land-grant mission.”